Configuring SSL on Apache 2.4

Configuring a modern web server to employ strong encryption and forward secrecy doesn't have to be hard. There is excellent documentation from Mozilla and from the OWASP.

Obtaining an SSL certificate

One major stumbling block is where to obtain an SSL certificate. In the future, this should hopefully be easy with Let's Encrypt. Until that is actually functional, StartSSL offers free SSL certificates. The process takes a bit of patience, but it's not difficult. There's also a StartSSL HOWTO from

While I've used StartSSL in the past, I had some trouble with them because 10 years after I registered, someone grabbed and StartSSL was alleging I was trying to mislead users?! So that was the end of my business with them...

I've now switched to Comodo's Positive SSL Certificate, which I like for a couple of reasons:

  • it lasts for 3 years,
  • it's really uncomplicated, and
  • it's crazy cheap: 7.45$ per year.

The process of getting the cert from them was super easy, simpler than StartSSL. About 3 hours from going to their website to having the certificate installed on my server, with most of it waiting email verifications. Credit card payment was quick and easy. 10/10, would buy again :-)

Apache configuration

With the certificate acquisition out of the way, here are the juicy bits from my Apache config.

mod_ssl config:

# Enable only cyphers that support forward secrecy.
# See these two links for reference:

# Use server priorities for cipher algorithm choice.
SSLHonorCipherOrder on

# With Apache 2.4, SSLv2 is gone and only SSLv3 and TLSv* are supported.
# Disable SSLv3, all TLS protocols are OK.
SSLProtocol all -SSLv3

# Enable OCSP stapling
# With this, the client can verify that our certificate isn't revoked
# without having to query an external OCSP service.
SSLUseStapling On
SSLStaplingCache shmcb:${APACHE_RUN_DIR}/ssl_stapling(32768)

The per-site configuration:

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateKeyFile   /path/to/serverkey.key    # The private server key.
SSLCertificateFile      /path/to/certificate.crt  # The certificate provided by CA.
SSLCertificateChainFile /path/to/cert-bundle      # A separate download from your CA.

# Use a customized prime group for DH key exchange (vs Logjam attack).
# Generate a DH group file with:
#    openssl dhparam -out dhparams.pem 2048
# Newer Apache versions support the following command to set the dhparams:
SSLOpenSSLConfCmd DHParameters "/path/to/dhparams.pem"

# If Apache reports an error for the above line, remove it and include
# the dhparams in the certificate:
#   cat <CERT>.crt dhparams.pem > cert-with-dhparams.crt
#   SSLCertificateFile cert-with-dhparams.crt

# HSTS: Force browsers to require SSL for this domain for the next year.
# Down-grade to HTTP will cause browsers to abort with a security error.
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"

# HPKP: Pin the current key for the next two months.
# Generate hash using:
#   openssl rsa -in <serverkey>.key -outform der -pubout | \
#   openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64
# You ideally want to generate a backup key and include that here as well,
# in case the primary key is lost or compromised.
# Also note the implications for key rollover.
# See:
Header always set Public-Key-Pins "pin-sha256=\"<HASH>\"; max-age=5184000; includeSubDomains"

# Disable compression to avoid BREACH HTTPS/SSL attack.
<Location />
    SetEnv no-gzip

That should cover the basics.


As for SSL connection testing, I found the Qualys SSL Labs Test helpful. It shows what browsers (browser versions) will get which encryption quality (forward secrecy or not) and highlights common problems such as certificate chain issues.

Hope this helps someone out there!

Installing CyanogenMod 11 on a Samsung Galaxy S2

I bought my Samsung Galaxy S2 in 2011, and it's still going strong. It really was a great phone for the time and held up incredibly well. Unfortunately, Samsung's support has ended long ago, and users are stranded with an obsolete (and insecure) firmware.

Fortunately, CyanogenMod still provides relatively recent images for the device. As of this writing, snapshots of CM11 (based on Android 4.4) are available, but there are no images of CM12.

Here is how I flashed CM11 to my phone. This is based on the official CyanogenMod wiki page for the SGS2 and on this xda-developers post. Since you can brick your phone if you don't know what you are doing, I suggest reading both of these pages. Note that you will need to factory-reset your phone, so backup all your data (files, apps, SMS, contacts, ...).

All the following steps have to be performed on a root shell on Linux.

To start from a clean slate, create a new Debian Jessie chroot (you may need to install debootstrap first). Don't use LXC/Docker/VMWare here, you need raw hardware access:

host#  mkdir sgs2-flash-chroot
host#  cd sgs2-flash-chroot
host#  debootstrap jessie .
host#  mount --bind /dev/ dev
host#  mount --bind /sys sys
host#  mount --bind /proc proc

Copy the following files to sgs2-flash-chroot/tmp:

Boot the phone into download-mode (shutdown, then VOLDOWN + HOME + POWER) and connect to the Linux computer.

host#  chroot .
chroot#  apt-get install heimdall-flash android-tools-adb
chroot#  heimdall print-pit
chroot#  cd /tmp
chroot#  heimdall flash --KERNEL zImage --no-reboot

Disconnect the USB cable and hold POWER until the phone shuts down. Reboot into recovery (VOLUP + HOME + POWER, let go of POWER after 5 seconds or you'll trigger a reboot). Then reconnect the USB cable.

chroot#  adb devices    # Check if device recognized.
chroot#  adb push /emmc

In recovery, select "install from zip file" to flash the new recovery image. Then go into advanced -> "reboot recovery". Mount /storage/sdcard0 in the recovery menu, then reconnect the USB cable.

chroot#  adb devices    # Check if device recognized.
chroot#  adb push /storage/sdcard0
chroot#  adb push /storage/sdcard0

Again, in recovery, select "install from zip files", first install the CM image, then the GApps package. Select "reboot" to boot into CyanogenMod. Shut down again, reboot into recovery, wipe cache and perform factory reset, reboot into CM (avoid factory reset with stock kernel due to the "super brick" problem).

Done. You should now have a not-so-shiny-anymore Galaxy S2 running a new-and-shiny CyanogenMod 11. Enjoy :-)

Correct use of hyphens in man-pages

When writing manual pages the question comes up when to use "-" and when to use "\-". The answer is actually quite simple. Use "-" whenever you want a hyphen and "\-" when you want a minus sign.

There are two exceptions though: In the name section, "\-" is used to separate program name from short description, as in "man \- an interface to on-line manuals".

The other exception is that you have to use "\-" for options/switches (-h, --foo, etc.). "\-" causes man to emit an U+002d Hyphen-Minus character, whereas "-" results in U+2010 Hyphen (in a unicode locale).

U+2d is the normal ASCII hyphen char, the one programs use to test for switches. So "\-" allows copy&paste from the manpage, while "-" doesn't.

ELF talk

Last monday I held a short talk about ELF objects and dynamic linking for the Debienna crowd. It went semi-well; people were quite interested but somtimes didn't seem to grasp what I was talking about. Which was probably my fault because I didn't spend enough time preparing the talk, being on a difficult subject to begin with.

Perhaps I'll talk about the subject again for maks, Rhonda and baumgartner (if they are still interested), since they weren't able to attend.

In case anyone cares, I've written up some notes about ELF, dynamic linking, symbol lookup and related stuff, covering most the thinks I talked about.

published August 19, 2006
tags linux

Cross-compiler fun

I needed to fix the elfutils build failure on ia64, but I didn't have access to such a machine. Fortunately Herbert Pötzl pointed out ski, an ia64 emulator for Linux.

Ski needs a custom guest kernel however, so I had to cross-compile that for ia64.

Setting up a cross-compiling toolchain on Debian is really easy nowadays; there's even a nice HOWTO describing the needed steps. For lazy people pre-built packages are available.

When compiling the toolchain yourself, note that you may need more/other library packages then listed in the HOWTO. This depends on the target architecture, e.g. for ia64 you will need libunwind7-dev, libatomic-ops-dev, and further libc6.1 instead of libc6. Otherwise gcc will complain about missing build-dependencies.

For ia64 I ran into a linker error when building gcc, however a patch from Bertl's cross-compiling corner solved that.

While doing all this I wrote some scripts to automate the process, so compiling a cross-toolchain (for any architecture) is now a matter of 5 minutes configuration and one ./driver run. Whee!

published August 12, 2006
tags linux